Enabling Important Modules and features

In order to be able to use sliders and portfolio and few other elements like home page carousel (which has been made using views and jcarousel) , you need to import their settings by enabling some important modules. Follow the instruction below:

  1. From the extracted files, copy all 7 folders from modules folder to sites/all/modules folder of your drupal installation

  2. From admin panel, enable all the modules that you have just copied. (simple way to enable all the modules at ones is, just enable icompany_config module, it will enable all supporting modules).

  3. Once you enable these modules, you will get
    - 2 new content types Slider and Portfolio which we will use later to create our slides and portfolio items,
    - 2 Views which provides portfolio of 1, 2, 3, and 4 columns and Recent Items carousel.
    - 4 new image styles that will be used with slider and portfolio and
    - 1 Pure html input format which will not even add automatic line break and paragraph formatting.

  4. Now your content type has been imported, you can verify this by visiting admin → structure → content types to see whether 2 new content type slider and portfolio has been created or not.

  5. By now, posts of these new content types are promoted to front page. We need to change this setting so that any post of these content type does not go to front page. To do that click on the edit link next to slider content type, on next screen, uncheck “Promoted to front page” option under Publishing Options tab and click save. Repeat same for portfolio content type.