Protfolio Setup

Make sure you have checked Enabling important modules and features above before proceeding to this section.

Earlier we created a new content type Portfolio. We will use this content type to create our portfolio items.

  1. Go to Admin → Add Contentand select Portfolio to add a portfolio content
  2. On next page fill the inpur fields. Some are required and some are optional, make sure you have filled the required ones
  3. Add some more portfolio items so that there is enough items to show 1, 2,3 and 4 columns portfolio pages.
  4. Your portfolios are to to show up. You can access them on following URLs:
    4 Column Portfolio: http://YOUR\_SITE/portfolio4  
    3 Column Portfolio: http://YOUR\_SITE/portfolio3  
    2 Column Portfolio: http://YOUR\_SITE/portfolio2  
    1 Column Portfolio: http://YOUR\_SITE/portfolio1  
    Portfolio teaser style page: http://YOUR\_SITE/portfolio

You can rename these URLs by editing their respective views by visiting Admin → Structure → Views . But never change theri machine names. 5. Now if you want to add a tabed link on each portfolio page linking to different columns like show below, you have to go to admin → appearance → themes → InnoCompany → settings and under Portfolio Settings tab, add links to each portfolio page that you want to include.

You are done creating your portfolio settings.